DODAF - DOD Architecture Framework Version 2.02 - DOD Deputy Chief Information Officer

DoDAF Viewpoints and Models

All Viewpoint

There are some overarching aspects of an Architectural Description that are captured in the AV DoDAF-described Models. The AV DoDAF-described Models provide information pertinent to the entire Architectural Description rather than representing a distinct viewpoint. AV DoDAF-described Models provide an overview of the architecturectural effort including such things as the scope, context, rules, constraints, assumptions, and the derived vocabulary that pertains to the Architectural Description. It captures the intent of the Architectural Description to help ensure its continuity in the face of leadership, organizational, and other changes that can occur over a long development effort.

All Viewpoint Model Descriptions

Models Descriptions
AV-1 Overview and Summary Information Describes a Project's Visions, Goals, Objectives, Plans, Activities, Events, Conditions, Measures, Effects (Outcomes), and produced objects.
AV-2 Integrated Dictionary An architectural data repository with definitions of all terms used throughout the architectural data and presentations.


Uses of All Viewpoint DoDAF-described Models. The AV DoDAF-described Models captures the scope of the architecture and where the architecture fits in relationship to other architectures. Another use of the All Viewpoint is for the registration of the architecture to support the net-centric goals of making Architectural Descriptions visible (Discoverable).

Mappings of the All Viewpoint DoDAF-described Models to the DM2 Concepts, Associations, and Attributes are in DM2 Concepts, Associations, and Attributes Mapping to DoDAF-described Models. The DM2 Concepts, Associations, and Attributes are described in the DoDAF Meta-model Data Dictionary.