DM2 - DoDAF Meta-Model
DM2 CDM Relationship to Universal Core and Zachman Framework Interrogatives
Relationship of DM2 Principal Elements to DoD's Six Core Processes
Overview of the DM2 Ontologic Foundation
The DM2 CDM relates to Universal Core and the Zachman Framework interrogatives as shown in the figure below. Specifically:
- The Data Description — What (we generalize to other Resources besides just Data)
- The Function Description — How (and also the Performer that performs the Function, Measures, Rules, and Conditions associated with)
- The Network Description — Where (generalized)
- The People Description — Who (we include Organizations)
- The Time Description — When
- The Motivation Description — Why (broadened to include Capability requirements)

Overlay of UCORE and Zachman Framework Interrogatives with DM2 CDM
(click to enlarge)