DoDAF Viewpoints and Models
AV-1 Overview and Summary Information. The overview and summary information contained within the AV-1 provides executive-level summary information in a consistent form that allows quick reference and comparison between Architectural Descriptions. The written content of the AV-1 content describes the concepts contained in the pictorial representation of the OV-1.
The AV-1 frames the context for the Architectural Description. The AV-1 includes assumptions, constraints, and limitations that may affect high-level decisions relating to an architecture-based work program. It should contain sufficient information to enable a reader to select a single Architectural Description from among many to read in more detail. The AV-1 serves two additional purposes:
- In the initial phases of architecture development, it serves as a planning guide.
- When the architecture is built, the AV-1 provides summary information concerning who, what, when, why, and how of the plan as well as a navigation aid to the models that have been created.
The usage of the AV-1 is to:
- Scope the architecture effort.
- Provide context to the architecture effort.
- Define the architecture effort.
- Summarize the findings from the architecture effort.
- Assist search within an architecture repository.
Detailed Description:
An enterprise has an architecture, which is manifested through an Architectural Description (in this case, a DoDAF described Architectural Description). That Architectural Description consists of a number of populated views each of which is an instance of a specific model or a combination of model. DoDAF consists of a set of viewpoints and these are organized in terms of models. Each model is associated with a specific set of concerns that certain stakeholders have, and which the models constructed are intended to address. The stakeholder groupings tend to align with the model definitions within a viewpoint (so the DoDAF Operational Viewpoint relates to operational stakeholders, i.e., end users). Finally each Architectural Description has a rationale that governs the selection of Models that will be used and the scope of the underlying models. The AV-1 is intended to describe this.
The AV-1 is usually a structured text product. An architecting organization may create a template for the AV-1 that can then be used to create a consistent set of information across different architecture-based projects. While the AV-1 is often dispensed with or "retrofitted" to a finished architecture package, it's desirable to do it up-front because the AV-1 provides a summary of a given Architectural Description and it documents the following descriptions:
- Architectural Description Identification - Identifies the Architectural Description effort name, the architect, and the organization developing the Architectural Description. It also includes assumptions and constraints, identifies the approving authority and the completion date, and records the level of effort required to develop the Architectural Description.
- Scope - Identifies the Viewpoints, DoDAF-described Models, and Fit-for-Purpose Views that have been selected and developed. The AV-1 should address the temporal nature of the Architectural Description, such as the time frame covered, whether by specific years or by designations such as "current", "target", or transitional. Scope also identifies the organizational entities and timelines that fall within the scope of the Architectural Description.
- Purpose and perspective - Explains the need for the Architectural Description, what it will demonstrate, the types of analyses that will be applied to it, who is expected to perform the analysis, what decisions are expected to be made based of each form of analysis, who is expected to make those decisions, and what actions are expected to result. The perspective from which the Architectural Description is developed is identified.
- Context - Describes the setting in which an Architectural Description exists. Context includes such things as: mission, doctrine, relevant goals and vision statements, concepts of operation, scenarios, information assurance context (e.g., types of system or service data to be protected, such as classified or sensitive but unclassified, and expected information threat environment), other threats and environmental conditions, and geographical areas addressed, where applicable. Context also identifies authoritative sources for the standards, rules, criteria, and conventions that are used in the architecture. Any linkages to parallel architecture efforts should be identified.
- Status - Describes the status of the architecture at the time of publication or development of the AV-1 (which might precede the architectural development itself). Status refers to creation, validation and assurance activities.
- Tools and File Formats Used - Identifies the tool suite used to develop the Architectural Description and file names and formats for the Architectural Models if appropriate.
- Assumptions and Constraints.
- Archtecture development schedule including start date, development milestones, date completed, and other key dates. Further details can be reflected in the Project Viewpoint.
If the architecture is used to support an analysis, the AV-1 may be extended to include:
- Findings - States the findings and recommendations that have been developed based on the architectural effort. Examples of findings include: identification of shortfalls, recommended system implementations, and opportunities for technology insertion.
- Costs - the architecture budget, cost projections, or actual costs that have been incurred in developing the architecture and/or undertaking the analysis. This might include integration costs, equipment costs and other costs.
During the course of developing an Architectural Description, several versions of the AV-1 may be produced. An initial version may focus the effort and document its scope, the organizations involved, and so forth. After other Models within an Architectural Description's scope have been developed and verified, another version may be produced to document adjustments to the scope and to other aspects of the Architectural Description that may have been identified. After an Architectural Description has been used for its intended purpose, and the appropriate analysis has been completed, a final version should be produced to summarize these findings for high-level decision-makers. In this version, the AV-1 and a corresponding graphic in the form of an OV-1 serve as an executive summary of the Architectural Description. The AV-1 can be particularly useful as a means of communicating the methods that have been applied to create models and the rationale for grouping these models. Viewing assumptions that have shaped individual models may also be included. In this form, the AV-1 needs to list each individual model and provide a brief commentary.
This could take several forms:
- It could refer to one or more DoDAF-described Models.
- It could refer to the DoDAF Community of Practice.
- It could refer to a focus for the work, e.g., integration or security.
- It could refer to a combination of these.
Finally, each Architectural Description has a rationale that governs the selection of the Models used and the scope of the underlying models as a result of employing the 6-Step Architecture Development Process. The AV-1 DoDAF-described Model is intended to describe the decisions made throughout that process.
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