DODAF - DOD Architecture Framework Version 2.02 - DOD Deputy Chief Information Officer

DoDAF Viewpoints and Models

Operational Viewpoint

OV-6c: Event-Trace Description

The OV-6c provides a time-ordered examination of the Resource Flows as a result of a particular scenario. Each event-trace diagram should have an accompanying description that defines the particular scenario or situation. Operational Event/Trace Descriptions, sometimes called sequence diagrams, event scenarios, or timing diagrams, allow the tracing of actions in a scenario or critical sequence of events. The OV-6c can be used by itself or in conjunction with an OV-6b State Transition Description to describe the dynamic behavior of activities.

The intended usage of the OV-6c includes:

  • Analysis of operational events.
  • Behavioral analysis.
  • Identification of non-functional user requirements.
  • Operational test scenarios.

Detailed Description:

The OV-6c is valuable for moving to the next level of detail from the initial operational concepts. An OV-6c model helps define interactions and operational threads. The OV-6c can also help ensure that each participating Operational Activity and Location has the necessary information it needs at the right time to perform its assigned Operational Activity.

The OV-6c enables the tracing of actions in a scenario or critical sequence of events. OV-6c can be used by itself or in conjunction with OV-6b State Transition Description to describe the dynamic behavior of business activities or a mission/operational thread. An operational thread is defined as a set of operational activities, with sequence and timing attributes of the activities, and includes the resources needed to accomplish the activities. A particular operational thread may be used to depict a military or business capability. In this manner, a capability is defined in terms of the attributes required to accomplish a given mission objective by modeling the set of activities and their attributes. The sequence of activities forms the basis for defining and understanding the many factors that impact on the overall capability.

The information content of messages in an OV-6c may be related with the Resource Flows in the OV-3 Operational Resource Flow Matrix and OV-5b Operational Activity Model and information entities in the DIV-2 Logical Data Model.

Possible Construction Methods: DoDAF does not endorse a specific event-trace modeling methodology. An OV-6c may be developed using any modeling notation (e.g., BPMN) that supports the layout of timing and sequence of activities along with the Resource Flow exchanges that occur between Operational Activities/Locations for a given scenario. Different scenarios can be depicted by separate diagrams.

OV-1: High-Level Operational Concept Graphic

OV-2: Operational Resource Flow Description

OV-3: Operational Resource Flow Matrix

OV-4: Organizational Relationships Chart

OV-5a: Operational Activity Decomposition Tree

OV-5b: Operational Activity Model

OV-6a, 6b, 6c: Introduction

OV-6a: Operational Rules Model

OV-6b: State Transition Description

OV-6c: Event-Trace Description