How to Use the DODAF Meta Model (DM2)
Presentation Types for DM2 Data
Within the DoDAF Meta-model, the elements in the DoDAF Models (Views) are represented with time periods (temporal extents). Temporal extent can connote the future, thus allowing the models to represent “To-Be” capabilities and processes or the “before-after” aspects of the activities. Generally, DoDAF views, models and supporting data are represented in the following general forms:
- Structural Models comprised of diagrams describing the structural or static aspects of architecture.
- Behavioral Models comprised of diagrams describing the behavioral or dynamic aspects of architecture.
- Tree Models-A type of structural model which can represent DoDAF elements in a taxonomic form.. These can represent “whole-part”, “super-subtype relationships or other relationships. These models are particularly important in maintaining traceability thru the various level of detail in representing the design or architecture. A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is an example of a model including both activities and/or performers in a decomposition tree.
- Mapping: Views that provide matrix (or similar) mappings between two different types of information. This used to represent such things as functional and data allocations and traceability.
- Tabular: Views which present data arranged in rows and columns, which generally amplify or have a direct relationship to the behavioral, structural (including ontological) models.
- Pictorial: Views such as free-form pictures.
- Timeline: Model comprised of diagrams usually describing the programmatic aspects of architecture ((E.g. Gant Chart). This is generally related directly to the WBS taxonomic model. These can also represent time in efficiency analysis of the activities in a process (e.g. LSS analysis).