DM2 - DoDAF Meta-Model
Overview of the DM2 Ontologic Foundation
Relationship to Universal Core and the Zachman Framework interrogatives
Relationship of DM2 Principal Elements to DoD's Six Core Processes
Underlying the DM2 is a foundation of common ontologic constructs that facilitate the reuse of common data patterns, an overview of which is shown in the figure below.

Overview of DM2 Foundation
The top-level foundation elements are:
- Thing, similar to other model’s object.
- Individual, a thing that exists as an indivisible whole, or as a single member of a category.
- Type, a set of individuals or classes of other sets or classes.
- Tuple, ordered places of things (e.g., a block in a spreadsheet or a table).
These foundation elements are similar to many other foundation high-level data constructs that exist in the industry. The common patterns that are reused are:
- Composition (or whole-part).
- Super/Sub Type (or generalization/specialization, e.g., tank or main battle tank).
- Before /After, for things that have time-related relationships in their Type.
- Overlap, e.g., for things that can exchange other things that are parts of themselves, things that occur at overlapping times and overlapping places.
Composition and Super/Sub Type apply to almost all architecture concepts. Before/After is frequently used to model before/after situations, while Interface applies to few concepts, limited at this time to the pattern describing Activity.
The benefits of adopting the IDEAS formal foundation and common patterns are:
- Re-use of common patterns saved a lot of work
- Model compactness through inheritance of superclass properties and common patterns
- Reconciliation and analysis tool. The agreed-upon analysis principles provide a principled basis for issue analysis
- Information pedigree model
- Design reification and requirements traceability
- Services description
- Semantic precision. Improved ability to integrate and analyze multiple heterogeneous EA datasets to fulfill EA purposes.
- Mathematical precision
These benefits are described in detail in the DM2 Physical Exchange Specification description documents.