Joint Information Environment – Progressing from Concept to a Modernized and Optimized IT Infrastructure

    The vision for the Joint Information Environment (JIE) is a comprehensive Department-wide IT modernization effort and organizing concept that is designed to simultaneously:

  • Advance the DoD’s full-spectrum Information Superiority in a common and coordinated way
  • Provide increased operational benefits to the warfighter in the cyber domain

  • JIE is underpinned by ten capability objectives that will significantly increase mission effectiveness through seamless, transparent, and cost-effective transformation of data into actionable information at network speed.

    Capability Objectives for Achieving the JIE Vision

    1) Modernize network infrastructure through optical upgrades and MPLS implementation
    2) Enable enterprise network operations by establishing global and regional operations centers and converging IT management solutions
    3) Implement regional security via the Joint Regional Security Stacks and Joint Management System
    4) Provide Mission Partner – Information System (MPE-IS) through Virtual Data Centers at global locations and deliver services to Combatant commands and Coalition Joint Task Forces
    5) Optimize DoD’s data center Infrastructure through structured and aggressive assessment focused on closing inefficient centers and optimizing remaining centers for consolidation and cloud hosting
    6) Implement Cybersecurity protections through multi-factor authentication for Identity Access Management (IdAM) and improving end-point security with Windows 10
    7) Enhance enterprise mobility through a single enterprise mobility manager for Classified and implementation of DoD WiFi Guidance / Standards
    8) Standardize IT commodity management by migrating to a common operating system secure host baseline and prioritizing software Joint Enterprise Licensing Agreements
    9) Establish end-user enterprise services by delivering an enterprise office productivity and collaboration solution and voice and video services
    10) Provide secure hybrid Cloud computing environments by deploying shared (on/off prem) IT services via the Cloud

    As these objectives are realized the DoD will move closer to a truly optimal IT infrastructure that, not only, meets the missions of today, but also support the ever-changing strategic landscape of tomorrow.

    For more information on:

  • JRSS
  • JIE
  • MPE-IS:
  • DoD Information Technology Environment - Way Forward to Tomorrow’s Strategic Landscape: