2017 Team Award Winners


Health Information Technology Team Winner 2017 - In recognition of the Team’s outstanding contributions to Department of Defense Information Technology Environment and the Military Health System in implementation of a Joint Information Environment-compliant shared service to provide clinicians the essential tools and services to deliver top quality healthcare. The team’s delivery of a resilient, standards-based, and cost-effective communications infrastructure and network shared services effectively replaced three Service-specific networks. This effort enables Military Health System providers to seamlessly move from facility-to-facility, reducing training, transition, and personnel downtime, while maximizing patient care opportunities. These exceptional accomplishments reflect great credit upon the Health Information Technology Team, the Defense Health Agency, and the Department of Defense. .

      Military Sealift Command Knowledge Management Team Winner 2017 - In recognition of the Team’s outstanding contributions to Department of Defense Information Technology Environment for leading the way for migration to the Defense Information Systems Agency Defense Enterprise Portal Service and successfully fielding the Navy’s only authorized INTRANET environment, the iNAVY portal. The team’s transformational application of advanced information sharing tools improves knowledge management and collaboration across the Command’s world-wide enterprise, enables an enterprise data management strategy and management plan, and paves the way for onboarding all other Navy Commands to the Defense Enterprise Portal Service. These exceptional accomplishments reflect great credit upon the Military Sealift Command Knowledge Management Team, the Department of the Navy, the Defense Systems Information Agency and the Department of Defense.