Organizational History


The development of senior telecommunications and information management roles within the Department of Defense (DoD) has evolved significantly over the years. These roles underwent structural changes and were influenced by legislative mandates, reflecting shifts in defense priorities towards integrated command, control, communications, intelligence, and information management strategies. Ultimately, these positions (except intelligence) were redefined to consolidate responsibilities under the Chief Information Officer, thereby enhancing governance and oversight of information technology within the DoD. For intelligence, the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security (USD(I&S)) is the Principal Staff Assistant and Advisor to the Secretary of Defense and the Deputy Secretary of Defense on intelligence, counterintelligence, security, sensitive activities, and other intelligence-related matters.


Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Telecommunications)

By administrative action, Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird established the position of Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Telecommunications) on 21 May 1970.

  • 1 August 1970 - 1 May 1971, Louis A. deRosa

Assistant Secretary of Defense (Telecommunications)

Position established on 11 January 1972 by DoD Directive 5135.1 after PL 92-215, 22 December 1971, authorized an increase in the number of Assistant Secretaries of Defense from eight to nine. This position replaced the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Telecommunications). DoD Directive 5135.1, 17 January 1974, abolished this position and transferred functions to the Director, Telecommunications and Command and Control Systems.

  • 14 January 1972 - 15 February 1972, Eberhardt Rechtin (Acting)
  • 15 February 1972 - 29 September 1973, Eberhardt Rechtin
  • 30 September 1973 - 17 January 1974, David L. Solomon (Acting)

Director, Telecommunications and Command and Control Systems

Position created by DoD Directive 5135.1, 17 January 1974.

  • 17 January 1974 - 18 February 1974, David L. Solomon (Acting)
  • 19 February 1974 - 2 January 1976, Thomas C. Reed
  • 10 February 1976 - 20 January 1977, Richard Shriver

Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence)

DoD Directive 5137.1, 11 March 1977, replaced both the Director, Telecommunications and Command and Control Systems and the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Intelligence)/Director of Defense Intelligence with the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence), or ASD(C3I). Effective 21 October 1977, the ASD(C3I) also served as the Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. The position became the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence in March 1981.

  • 4 April 1977 - 20 January 1981, Gerald P. Dinneen

Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence)

Officially reestablished as an Assistant Secretary of Defense by DoD Directive 5137.1, 2 April 1985.

  • 26 July 1981 - 16 August 1984, Donald C. Latham

Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence)

The Department of Defense Authorization Act, 1984, PL 98-94, 24 September 1983, mandated the position of Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence), as the principal staff officer to the Secretary of Defense for the National Communications System. DoD Directive 5137.1, 12 February 1992, set responsibilities for establishing and implementing information management policies. The ASD(C3I) directed the Defense Information Systems Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the Defense Security Service.

  • 16 August 1984 - 6 July 1987, Donald C. Latham
  • 18 July 1987 - 23 May 1988, Thomas P. Quinn (Acting)
  • 24 May 1988 - 12 May 1989, Gordon A. Smith
  • 13 May 1989 - 19 November 1989, Thomas P. Quinn (Acting)
  • 20 November 1989 - 20 January 1993, Duane Andrews
  • 10 June 1993 - 23 May 1997, Emmett Paige Jr
  • 20 February 1998 - 5 October 1999, Arthur L. Money (Acting)
  • 5 October 1999 - 7 April 2001, Arthur L. Money
  • 7 August 2001 - 8 May 2003, John P. Stenbit

Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks and Information Integration)

On 8 May 2003, the title of Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence) changed to Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks and Information Integration). An 11 January 2012 memorandum signed by the Deputy Secretary of Defense abolished the position of Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks and Information Integration) and transferred its authorities, responsibilities, personnel, and resources to the Chief Information Officer.

  • 8 May 2003 - 6 March 2004, John P. Stenbit
  • 6 March 2004 - 14 November 2005, Linton Wells II (Acting)
  • 14 November 2005 - 30 April 2009, John Grimes
  • 1 May 2009 - 26 October 2010, Cheryl Roby (Acting)
  • 26 October 2010 - 11 January 2012, Teresa M. Takai

Chief Information Officer

The Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996 (passed as part of the NDAA for FY 1996, PL 104-106) created the position of Chief Information Officer. In 2003 the newly designated Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration assumed the duties of the Defense Department’s chief information officer. An 11 January 2012 memorandum signed by the Deputy Secretary of Defense abolished the position of Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks and Information Integration). Its authorities, responsibilities, personnel, and resources were transferred to the now-reinstituted position of Chief Information Officer, which initially did not require Senate confirmation. DoD Directive 5144.02, issued 22 April 2013, authorized the Chief Information Officer as a principal staff assistant to the Secretary of Defense, and gave the Secretary appointment authority. Section 909 of the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2018, PL 115-91, amended United States Code Title 10, section 142(a) by requiring the Chief Information Officer to be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate.

  • 11 January 2012 - 2 May 2014, Teresa M. Takai
  • 21 May 2014 - 8 March 2015, Terry Halvorsen (Acting)
  • 8 March 2015 - 28 February 2017, Terry Halvorsen
  • 1 March 2017 - 8 December 2017, John Zangardi (Acting)
  • 8 December 2017 - 14 May 2018, Essye B. Miller (Acting)
  • 14 May 2018 - 20 January 2021, Dana Deasy
  • 20 January 2021 - 16 September 2021, John Sherman (Acting)
  • 16 September 2021 - 17 December 2021, Kelly Fletcher (Performing the Duties Of)
  • 17 December 2021 - 28 June 2024, John Sherman
  • 28 June 2024 - Present, Leslie Beavers (Acting)


  1. Department of Defense Key Officials,, Accessed 16 July 2024
  2. Office of the Secretary of Defense/Office of Director of Administration & Management/ Organizational Policy and Decision Support