Stacy Bostjanick
Chief Defense Industrial Base Cybersecurity,
Office of the DoD Chief Information Officer
Ms. Stacy Bostjanick is a member of the Senior Executive Service and serves as the Chief Defense Industrial Base Cybersecurity, Deputy Chief Information Officer for Cybersecurity (DCIO(CS)), Office of the Chief Information Officer. In this position, she serves as the focal point within the DoD CIO to implement the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) program across the Defense Industrial Base (DIB).
As the CMMC Director, Ms. Bostjanick is responsible for shepherding this critical program though the Code of Federal Regulation System rulemaking process for both the CFR 32 and 48 and ultimately implementing the program across the more than 220,000 companies that make up the DIB. This includes collaborating across the Federal Government with partners such as the Department of Homeland Security and the other members of the Federal Acquisition Security Council, to standardize this process and truly federalize it. In this role, she also directs the Department’s efforts to educate DIB partners on programatic requirements and ensures that DoD implements risk information sharing though the program’s execution. Additionally, Ms. Bostjanick is responsible for ensuring the Defense Acquisition community is trained and capable of including these requirements in their Programs and Acquisitions.
Prior to joining the CIO, Ms. Bostjanick served as the Director of SCRM for OCISO(A&S), where she was responsible for ensuring the incorporation of integrated supply chain efforts within USD(A&S). Ms. Bostjanick has an extensive career as an Acquisition Professional with roles that include the head of DIA’s Contracting Activity, and the Senior Contracting Officer for the Missile Defense Agency on the Standard Missile 3 Block IA and IB development and production program. She was responsible for cradle-to-grave execution of over $5 billion of highly-complex, cutting-edge contracts for our nation's missile defense systems. Ms. Bostjanick has also served as the Deputy Procurement Executive with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence where she had responsibility for establishing Intelligence Community Enterprise-wide Policy and submissions to the Program Management Plan on an annual basis.
Ms. Bostjanick has had numerous awards and accomplishments throughout her career including the Naval Meritorious Civilian Service Award, David Packard Excellence in Acquisition Award, Office of the Secretary of Defense Certificate of Appreciation, the Director of National Intelligence Award for Collaboration Leadership, National Intelligence Meritorious Citation, and the Small Business Award.