DoD CIO Fulcrum Logo

Protect.  Connect.  Perform.

To Deliver an Information Dominant Domain to Defeat our Nation's Adversaries

Key Focus Areas
Cloud. Communications. Cybersecurity. Enabling Artificial Intelligence and Data.


Welcome to the Website for the Department of Defense Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO). The DoD CIO is the principal staff assistant and senior advisor to the Secretary of Defense and Deputy Secretary of Defense for information technology (IT) (including national security systems and defense business systems), information resources management (IRM), and efficiencies. This means that DoD CIO is responsible for all matters relating to the DoD information enterprise, such as cybersecurity, communications, information systems, and more. To learn more, please read about the DoD IT Advancement Strategy called Fulcrum, our organization charter, or browse this website.

The Latest

20-21MAR25: 2025 Cyber Workforce Summit Takeaways... - Need a highly qualified cyber workforce - Revive the DoD’s warrior ethos, rebuild the military, & reestablish deterrence - Networking w/ industry & federal partners - Check out WID & CAEO tools & programs 20-21MAR25: 2025 Cyber Workforce Summit Takeaways...
- Need a highly qualified cyber workforce
- Revive the DoD’s warrior ethos, rebuild the military,   & reestablish deterrence
- Networking w/ industry & federal partners
- Check out WID & CAEO tools & programs
Mr. Gorak, PD R&A & Dir. CAEO spoke at Billington State & Local Cybersecurity Summit, briefing challenges we face to build our work force & ways orgs can max value by balancing talent w/ automation, emphasizing readiness to preserve the warfighting ethos. Mr. Gorak, PD R&A & Dir. CAEO spoke at Billington State & Local Cybersecurity Summit, briefing challenges we face to build our work force & ways orgs can max value by balancing talent w/ automation, emphasizing readiness to preserve the warfighting ethos.
PTDO DoD CIO Ms. Katie Arrington was pleased to host Australia's Chief Information Officer for Defence Mr. Chris Crozier for discussions on DoD's cloud adoption experience, #ZeroTrust implementation, and #AUKUS collaboration progress. PTDO DoD CIO Ms. Katie Arrington was pleased to host Australia's Chief Information Officer for Defence Mr. Chris Crozier for discussions on DoD's cloud adoption experience, #ZeroTrust implementation, and #AUKUS
collaboration progress.
We are officially 1 WEEK away from launching the DoD CWS! Thank you to our anticipated participants, and scheduled guest speakers, for making this inaugural Summit possible! We'd like to share our finalized agenda for the two-day event.
The DoD Cyber Workforce Summit (CWS) is honored to welcome Ms. Katie Arrington, Performing the Duties of DoD CIO, as a VIP attendee to our inaugural event! Ms. Arrington will be providing opening remarks. We look forward to seeing everyone on THURS, 20MAR to FRI, 21MAR25! The DoD Cyber Workforce Summit (CWS) is honored to welcome Ms. Katie Arrington, Performing the Duties of DoD CIO, as a VIP attendee to our inaugural event!
Ms. Arrington will be providing opening remarks. We look forward to seeing everyone on THURS, 20MAR to FRI, 21MAR25!
The DoD Cyber Workforce Summit (CWS) is honored to welcome Ms. Leslie Beavers, Acting DoD CIO, as a VIP attendee to our inaugural event! Ms. Beavers will be providing opening remarks. We look forward to seeing everyone on 20 & 21 MAR! Register at The DoD Cyber Workforce   Summit (CWS) is honored to welcome Ms. Leslie Beavers, Acting DoD CIO, as a   VIP attendee to our inaugural event! Ms. Beavers will be providing opening remarks. We look forward to seeing everyone on 20 & 21 MAR! Register at
Today the Secretary named Ms. Katherine “Katie” Arrington Performing the Duties of the DoD CIO. Please join the CIO team in congratulating her on this new role!
FINAL REMINDER! The DoD CWS is one month away! Make arrangements to attend via, & consider the following: How do DoD 8140 policy updates impact professional development, peer accountability, & managing strategies? Tell us in the comments! FINAL REMINDER! The DoD CWS is one  month away!

Make arrangements to attend via, & consider the following:

How do DoD 8140 policy updates impact   professional development, peer accountability, & managing strategies?  Tell us in the comments!
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